show and tell for hackers in DC.

Round 54: Parsed Thyme

13 Mar 2018

Thank you Data Society for sponsoring! On to the hacks:


Over time, things wear out. His two elbows need a bit of physical therapy. Rick built a prototype assistive device to help him, like a old-fashioned sewing machine that uses a treadle to “load” the device, connected to a c-clamp. Picture / Action video

Chris Nguyen @uncompiled

Chris made a Wolfenstein 3D-style game, Escape from Prayer Castle, highlighting the absurdity of the predictable “thoughts and prayers” response to gun violence in schools. Instead of weapons, you have your prayer hands. Link

Grant Nelson @grantimus9

Grant hacked Stripe and was paid a $1500 bug bounty. If Stripe has already seen your email address, it asks for a two-factor authentication code, and the verification API would produce an error when the email address was associated with a phone number. Enabled an email -> phone number translator for Stripe accounts.

Grant Harper @grant_emersn

The other Grant built an Alexa App to keep copies of your recipes by ingredient and title. Link

Adam Specker & Michael

Adam and Michael created a Star Wars themed attractiveness-rating riffing off the old “Hot or Not” website. Someone found a vulnerability and stuffed the ballot box in favor of Jar Jar Binks. Link / Source

Nathan Epstein @Aeium

Nathan built a hypnotic spirograph in Javascript. Link / First version / Waypoint path version How do you measure the geometric complexity? A rough way to do this is with PNG file size. Source

Aaron Schumacher @planarrowspace

Aaron won the World Championship at Texata, the “big data analytics showdown,” and talked about the GDELT data set: a big scraping of all world events. Like 100 GB! He demoed the usage of some high powered EC instances with a custom map-reduce in Python.

Daniel Henneberger

Daniel used a DIY CRISPR Kit to build some fluorescent yeast. Link

James Reichard

An app to visualize rhythmic patterns and Euclidean Rhythms. Link / Source / Further reading

Jess Garson @jessicagarson

Messica Arson did a live DJ set with Haskell and SonicPi. Link